Friday, April 23, 2010

I believe that alot of my essays still need work. The one that needs the most work is my research paper. I am having difficulties organizing my essay and figuring out my focuses. My paper is about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and i want to focus on the concept of love and what it portrays to children when they watch it. I also am thinking about talking about the feminitity that Snow White portrays. I just need help figuring out my ideas. I think at the moment my personal anaylsis essay is the strongest, i just need to add a personal story to it have an exact moment to make it alot more stronger. For my close reading essay i just want to add more context to my paper. You have all read my papers so if you have any ideas or thoughts that would help me out so much!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I think that Krakauer was very successful in his development of Into the Wild. He did a really good job of allowing the reader to create his own opinion of Chris McCandless instead of just strait up saying his own opinion for Chris. He did a very good job of showing different sides of the arguement about Chris and helped the readers gain a deeper understanding of Chris McCandless. Also his use of his own personally stories throughout the book helped further explain his personal connections with Chris. I think it is good that is not tell the ending of the book where the reader is fully exposed to Kraukers view of McCandless. This is shown in the extensive research Krauker does to try and prove that Chris was not stupid while in the wild, he knew what to eat and he would not make a careless mistake like eating the wrong berry that would cause his death, instead it was just an extrememly unfortuante accident that the plant would cause his body to starve and not turn food into usuable energy. Something that could happen to anyone. He was not stupid, just unlucky.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The primary source for my research paper is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. To many people this just the first of many classic children movies. I would however like to adress the underlining messages in this movie. The main topic of my paper is focused around the different types of love portrayed in this movie and the affect it has on children and the continuous storylines of future Disney movies and other full length animations at the time. I will be adressing the concept of love in my paper my using specific scenes in the movies and how the characters work together throughout the movie. I believe this movie portrays the uncondiontal love and then the idea of true love and living a happily ever after. I think this is an important message for children to recieve while watching this movie. Children need that inspiration and that hope to dream and find their prince charming and the ability to accept people for who they are. Imagination is a part of growing up, and even though not everyone has a happily ever after, it is this hope of finding that love that gets people through life. I think my classmates should care about this because most of us of siblings, relatives, or friends who are young children, and we have all gone through childhood watching these classic disney movies and seeing the love it portrays, wanting at someone to find our own prince charming.