Friday, March 12, 2010

After going through and lookin at different examples, I have realized that my close reading paper was definetly not as strong as it could have been. I would consider this essay to be in the low/medium range. While looking back at what I wrote for this essay I realized I missed the main point of the essay, that being to include context with each epigraph. I have seen that explaining to the reader who exactly that person is that said that quote, and why they are important can make an essay so much more stronger. It makes it so the readers not just like okay, who is this person and why should i care. To make my paper stronger I need to add alot more context to it. I need to take the time to actually do some background research on each person that I used the epigraph from. This will also help make my close reading stronger because I believe it will help me find more parallels between the author and the following chapters, to have a better understanding of why Kraukuer used that passage as the epigraph.

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of us need to improve our close reading papers because we didn't do background research on the person who wrote the quotes Krakauer chose for his epigraphs. I know I certainly made the same mistake and need to go back over, comb through my essay, and spend more time making my sources credible. It is good that you realize how much effort it is going to take to revise the essay. For my close reading essay, I realized that my paragraphs didn't flow and that I seemed to do exactly what Rachel didn't want us to do -- write paragraphs and throw them into a paper without making connections. I think all of us will do our best to improve all of our essays to turn them into "high" essays within the next four weeks.
