Friday, February 12, 2010

Overall, I think pathos is the most effect when writing a paper. I believe that the emotional aspects when making an arguement, just makes the arguement stronger. It gives people the chance to relate to those emotions. I feel like for my Into the Wild Essay, the pathos was definetly helpful for my arguement. I am not saying that all three are important, because they definetly are. Logos is important just so there are facts to back up where your emotions are coming from. I think ethos is the least important depending on what kind of paper you are writing. For our essays so far, just getting facts and peoples opinions is making the papers stronger. We are not to the point where you need that credibility to make a point. However, my essay definetly needs some revising so I can make it stronger and have more facts, and possibly some credibility.


  1. I have a similar thought about ethos. I understand that it is important and that it is definitely a good thing to know that the author is credible. In our class, however, it seems with our first two essays, that pathos and logos were more prominent. At least, that is how my essay was. I definitely need to work on learning how to utilize ethos in my writing.

  2. I totally agree! Pathos is the most important in writing a paper. Even though you have the pathos, you can't just stop there. A paper must include all three to make it even more awesome!

  3. Yeah ethos has been largely unnecessary so far. In this class though, i think a lot of the ethos will come from the sources we use, which will be major aspect of the writing later in the semester.
